A supply chain network design problem for the RENAULTvehicle distribution
Suzanne Le Bihan  1@  , Gulgun Alpan  1@  , Bernard Penz  2@  , Grégoire Boussu  3@  
1 : Gestion et Conduite des Systèmes de Production
Laboratoire des sciences pour la conception, l\'optimisation et la production, Laboratoire des sciences pour la conception, l\'optimisation et la production
2 : Recherche Opérationnelle pour les Systèmes de Production
Laboratoire des sciences pour la conception, l\'optimisation et la production, Laboratoire des sciences pour la conception, l\'optimisation et la production
3 : Technocentre Renault [Guyancourt]

Today succeeding automotive constructors provide vehicles worldwide. Hence, their outbound supply chain network is highly developed and complex. Supply Chain Network Design Problems (SCNDP) optimization models are powerful tools that can combine and support decisions on multiple managerial levels, such as center location and flow planning. We describe a case study of the RENAULT outbound supply chain and propose a deterministic multi-period, multi-commodity SCNDP model. This problem aims to find the less costly way to transport vehicles from plants to dealers through a complex supply chain network, as we need to determine the facilities and the routes through which the products will transit.

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