Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Branch-and-Cut: An application in Short Food Supply Chains
Bilgesu Bayir  1@  , Aurélie Charles  1@  , Aicha Sekhari  1@  , Yacine Ouzrout  1@  
1 : Université Lumière Lyon 2, Laboratoire DISP
Université Lumière - Lyon 2

Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) are alternative food distribution channels that are characterized by a decreased number of intermediaries. Recently, more and more consumers have been opting for purchasing their food from SFSCs. However, these distribution channels often lack sufficient commercial and logistics organization and thus bear elevated costs. This study attempts to show the role that horizontal logistics collaboration can play in improving SFSCs' performance through a real case study from Lyon, France. The results confirm that, by engaging in collaborations, producers can significantly reduce the time and money spent, as well as the carbon emissions caused by transportation.

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