Workload equity for a dynamic multi-period routing problem in the context of medical transportation
Dominique Feillet  1, 2@  , Nabil Absi  3, 4@  , Maxime Agius  1, 2@  , Thierry Garaix  5@  
1 : Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne
Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne
2 : Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Modélisation et d'optimisation des Systèmes
CNRS : UMR6158
3 : Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Modélisation et d'optimisation des Systèmes  (LIMOS)  -  Site web
CNRS : UMR6158
F-13541 Gardanne -  France
4 : Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne  (EMSE)  -  Site web
Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne
Campus Georges Charpak Provence, F-13451 Gardanne, France -  France
5 : Centre Ingénierie et Santé  (CIS-ENSMSE/ROGI-LIMOS)  -  Site web
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines - Saint-Étienne, CNRS : UMR6158
158, cours Fauriel F-42023 Saint-Étienne cedex 2 -  France

The studied problem concerns the non-emergency transportation of patients. Some disabled or old patients cannot go back and forth to the hospital by their own to get cares. In this context, transport companies are involved to provide medical transportation of patients.The originality of our problem is to consider equity on the ``long'' term (typically one month), with requests dynamically revealed. Compared to standard equity models (that apply to a single period), it gives the opportunity to accept unbalanced routes at some periods, as long as equity is preserved on the whole horizon. We investigate different solution approaches and evaluate computationally how addressing equity this way allows limiting its impact on routing costs.

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