A Hybrid Strategy for Solving the Bi-Objective Obnoxious p-Median Problem
Méziane Aïder  1@  , Aida Ilham Azzi  2@  , Mhand Hifi  3@  
1 : LaROMaD, Fac. Maths, USTHB, BP 32 El Alia 16111, Bab Ezzouar, Alger, Algérie
2 : laboratoire de recherche opérationnelle et mathématique de décision
3 : Eco-Procédés Optimisation et Aide à la Décision - UR UPJV 4669
Université de Picardie Jules Verne : UR4669

The bi-objective version of the obnoxious problem (noted Bi-OpM) occurs in more complex situations related to location of hazardous facilities, like nuclear or chemical power plants, waste storage facilities, and noisy or polluting services. Where is goal is to maximaze two antagonistic objective functions: the sum of the minimum distance between each customer and its nearest open facility, and the dispersion between facilities. Therefore, we propose to approximately solve the Bi-OpM by a hybrid method, where, the designed method starts with an archive set provided by tailoring an efficient greedy procedure. Next, intensification and diversification strategies were applied for enriching the diversity of the current Pareto front. Furthermore, an iterative ϵ-constraint procedure is applied for highlighting the final set of points. The proposed method is computationally analysed on benchmark instances of the literature, where its provided results were compared on those achieved by best metods of the literature. Encouraging results have been obtained.

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